Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sick for the Holidays

Now that I've had a week to recover from the holidays, I thought I should write about it. Let's start off with  following up on my Packing Anxiety Attack post. I have to say we did a decent job with packing. There were only a few things I would have changed. 

1) Clothes: I packed way too many dresses for Harper. Dresses are fun to put little girls in, but they aren't the most functional outfit for a baby in the winter. I wish I would have swapped a few of the dresses for more onesies and pants.

2) Snot Sucker: I pretty much jinxed Harper into getting sick by not packing her nose snot sucker. She ended up getting a cold, and we had to ask her aunt and uncle to make a stop at Walgreens to buy a snot sucker to give her nose some relief. DO NOT buy nose snot suckers from a store. Take the one the hospital gives you. It is the best one out there. The store snot sucker's sucking power does not even compare to the hospital's super sucking strength. 

3) Open Suitcase Space: We always dedicate a suitcase for Christmas presents. This suitcase is full of presents for our family and friends when we leave our home and the same suitcase that we bring all of our presents back in. This was the first year that we weren't able to take all of our presents home because we didn't have enough room.

So back to the Christmas sickness. I often wondered in the past why adults with children were always sick. Shouldn't their immune systems be amazing with all the germs the kids bring into the house? I used to think I had a near perfect immune system. I was dead wrong. Gone are the days where I would get sick once or twice a year. Now, whatever the sickness of the week is at Harper's daycare I end up getting. The most recent of the sicknesses was a sinus cold. Both Harper and I were the lucky ones to endure this runny nose/coughing disgusting mucus grossness. 

I do have to say Harper was a trooper. She was as smiley as can be, which only further supports my theory that Harper is a superhero (more on that in a future post), and her happiness through it all made me feel bad for complaining about how crumby I felt. 

Harper was still sick when we got back this week. Dale took her to the doctor on Wednesday to get checked out. Of course once he arrived there Harper stopped coughing and her runny nose dried up. When the doctor took out her stethoscope to listen to Harper's chest, Harper started laughing. Of course she would. I'm sure the doctor was thinking we were over reacting parents. The final diagnosis from the doctor--Your daughter is perfectly fine. Then after the appointment she was dropped off at daycare. She cried the whole morning. Go figure.

 Not only was Harper sick during Christmas, but she was also constipated for a few days. We think all the traveling brought it on. We made a special stop to my old stompin' grounds--Shopko--for some prunes to fix the problem. Harper wasn't too interested in eating them but did get some down. I wasn't sure how long it would take exactly for the prunes to work, but I should have guessed it would be at the most inconvenient time.

On our two hour drive to Dale's grandparent's house, we had to make a pit stop at Walmart to pick up some supplies for a holiday party. While weaving through the isles in the store I started smelling an unpleasant odor that I would normally blame on my husband, but knew instantly the prunes had worked and how "lucky" we were that I could change the diaper at Walmart. 

I got the diaper bag and the baby and b-lined to the bathrooms at the front of the store where I was greeted by a sign notifying me that the family bathrooms are in the back of the store. No way was I going to lug a baby in a carseat and a full diaper bag to the back. I entered the bathroom and found the world's smallest changing table that was basically large enough to hold Harper and nothing else. 

I started uncovering Harper and notice her pants were wet. We had a full fledged blowout on our hands. She had green poop everywhere. I have come to the conclusion that babies and pigs must have similar diets since their poop smells exactly the same. Green odor waves that are often seen in cartoons were radiating off of her diaper. 

I had the smallest space in the corner of the changing table to pile up all of her soiled close. I was so glad she didn't find them and start playing with them. I was also glad that I had purchased arm and hammer plastic bags to put dirty diapers/clothes in. Otherwise I would have probably thrown those clothes away. I swear I was in the bathroom for a good ten minutes trying not to get any green stank on me while cleaning Harper up. 

Let's not forget to meantion that everyone that walked into the bathroom had a comment for me. 
"Adorable boy you have." 
"Oh wow, what a poopy diaper."
And a few more. Including the correction of Harper's gender by the lady who called Harper a boy once she could see Harper without a diaper on. Seems inappropriate doesn't it? 

Ok let's get back to Christmas. We had roughly 10 days to spend time with both of our families and friends. We are very fortunate that our families only live an hour and a half apart. We had a great time eating tons of food, seeing everyone love on Harper, getting caught up on the past year's events and just spending time with family and friends. It is hard being away from them for the majority of the year, but we were very appreciative of the time we got to spend with them. Tears were shed when we had to say our goodbyes, but we were comforted in knowing we would meet again this summer and that this isn't a permanent situation.

Sorry I had to sum up Christmas so quick. This post started running a little long and I now know you all just page down to the pictures anyway.


 Thanks Katrina for the dress!

 Yes, I am a finger sucker.

Can I get this ear into my mouth?
Auntie Tess!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Packing Anxiety Attack

When it comes to packing, I am one of those women that cannot pack lightly. I have tried many times to limit my load, but every time I do, I usually become really disappointed with my wardrobe choices. So to prevent future frustration at my failed outfit selection, I always pack more than I need. 

Enter a baby into the picture. We no longer have the luxury to over pack. Especially since we need to get on an airplane for the trip home for Christmas. For about two weeks now I have been compiling a list of all the things I need to pack for the baby, for myself and all the presents we need to bring home. (The hubs can worry about himself. ;) (Love you, Hun!) This list has been edited multiple times. Things have been deleted because we can buy them when we land.--Granted there isn't a snow storm. Dear Winter Storm Draco Malfoy, (Yes, I gave the storm the last name of a Harry Potter character, so what.) please go easy on MN and WI. I have added things to the list that I think are necessities that probably aren't...Don't forget that nightlight!

Sunday night I pulled the list up on my computer and did a "practice pack" where I started putting all of Harper's clothes into a suitcase. It went pretty well, but then I realized I had only packed her clothes and they took up half the suitcase dedicated to her. That's about 1/16th of the baby packing puzzle. There are a lot more items on my list that have nothing to do with clothes. So tonight we will be turning the "practice pack" into the "for realsies pack" and hopefully there will be room for my stuff. I've decided that I'm only going to pack 4-5 outfits for myself (I think Harper has 12) and do a load of laundry during the week. Since I will be seeing each side of the family for about 5 days, each family will only see my outfits once. Oh the horror if I wore something twice! (I'll probably end up wearing my one pair of sweatpants I packed all week.)

The only thing that is preventing my packing list from being a lot longer is the fact that my mother-in-law does daycare so she has a lot of the stuff we need and Harper is the 8th grandchild for my parents so they have a lot of baby things as well.

Here is my list for the baby. 

White sweater dress

Black sweater dress
Purple dress
White snowflake dress
White dress with red sweater
Red snowflake onesie with black sequin pants
5 long sleeved onesies
2 jeggings
5 PJs

fleece body suit
2 fleece jackets

nail clipper
shampoo and soap
teething gel 

5 bibs
5 burp rags 

6 bottles
bowls and spoons
breastfeeding shall (in carry on)

car seat


diaper bag with changing pad, diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream, disinfectant, tissues, change of clothes, toy

Pink Fleece blanket

plastic bags for diaper disposal



Moms, what am I missing?

I'm already preparing to write a post about how horrible it is to fly/travel with a baby and also list out everything I should have packed.

Merry Christmas to everyone if I don't get a chance to write another post before Tuesday! 

Picture Time!


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

L M N O Please Stop Crying

I know that every baby grows and learns at their own pace but I get concerned that Harper is behind because she hasn’t rolled over yet. She’s almost 4 ½ months old. I’ve read that babies start rolling over between 3-6 months, but when I see on Facebook that babies younger than Harper are already rolling over this mommy starts to freak out.

To combat this, Hubs and I have started doing daily tummy time with Harper…something we should be doing anyway. She hated it when she was 1-2 months old so we stopped for awhile. Now she can hold her own for about 10 minutes before she has had enough. During tummy time we try to encourage her to roll over by putting toys on one side that she would need to roll over to reach or we even push a leg over to show her how to roll over. Both haven’t gotten us anywhere and so we continue to wait for her to learn at her own pace like good parents do.

Something on a similar note. I get worried that we aren’t socializing enough or teaching Harper enough and she will be behind.  The logical side of me says this is plain silly, but the worrywart side of me tells me to fix this ASAP.  I’m surprised nightmares of Harper being behind haven’t taken over the “I forgot my locker combination and my class schedule” dreams that still haunt me at night.  So to put myself at ease I started singing to Harper. I decided the ABCs was the perfect song choice since it’s educational and I know all the words. :) Most of the time Hubs is around and chimes in with me. We have discovered that the ABCs ARE MAGICAL. She loves it when we sing this to her. If she is in a good mood, she laughs and smiles and coos along. If she is in a bad mood, she stops crying and listens to us sing.

We probably went through 10 rounds of the ABCs on the 10 minute trip home last night just to keep Harper from crying. I will do anything to make my baby happy, even if it is singing the same song over and over and out of key in public.

PS--I know it is cute when kids say elemeno instead of  L M N O, but I obnoxiously enunciate these letters to prevent Harper from what-being cute???  I hope the real reason is to prevent future turmoil of having to rid her of the elemeno habit.Something is wrong with me.

Quote from picture: "But Mom, I don't want this toy to go to my cousin for Christmas. I really like it as a pillow."

Soooo all the people that read this blog get a sneakpeek at our family photos that I took. Yes, I'm that talented with a camera timer. ;) I won't be posting these until this weekend. So you should feel special. The rest are ten times better than this one so keep a look out!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Mommy Isn't an English Teacher

So a random thought popped into my head while changing Harper's diaper. Why does having a child cause you to speak only in the third person? 
"Mommy is putting socks on you now," and "Harper, why won't you smile for Mommy?" are examples of sentences that have left my mouth. 

I even talk to my husband like this. "Daddy, can you get Mommy a glass of water." 

Not only do I refer to myself as Mommy to my daughter and husband, but I also call myself Mommy in my head. I caught myself thinking yesterday, "If Mommy goes to the store this weekend remember to get garlic salt." I do this ALL the time. I'm surprised I haven't referred to myself as mommy to a coworker. 

I have also caught myself dropping the "G" on "ING" words and saying things like "Whatcha doin?" and "Harper, you got stinky feets." Come on Sarah, let's use proper English.

Why do we moms do this? Maybe not everyone does and I should rephrase this to why do I do this? One thing is for sure: Harper will have bad grammar, and it's all Mommy's fault.

Pictures! Pictures! Pictures!

Only two. Sorry! I hope to get pictures with Santa this weekend!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Mean Mommy

The husband and I have coined the phrase "Mean Mommy" when I do something to Harper that she might not like. For example, accidentally scratch her with my fingernail or put her down to play when she really just wants to be held. I always apologize to her and say "Mean Mommy is sorry! Maybe Nice Mommy will be back tomorrow."

Although Mean Mommy does make an appearance every now and then, I have become the bad mom that doesn't let her child cry. I've always thought I won't be that mom that will drop everything at once when even the slightest sign appears that her child might start crying, but to my own dismay, I have become that mom. I HATE seeing tears streaming from my daughter's face. It just breaks my heart. If the small act of picking my baby up calms her and makes her happy well then I'm going to do it! Why let her suffer, right? Well last night, Mean Mommy paid a visit and she caused some tears.

Let's first start with Wednesday night. This week Harper started this new thing where she gets tired around 7pm. (Usually she goes to bed between 8:30-9:30.) So Wednesday night she fell asleep in my lap and I decided to put her in her crib around 8pm. And what happens, she wakes up as soon as she's in her crib. WIDE AWAKE. Great now we have to start all over. I tried all my tricks and couldn't get her to fall back asleep until 11:30pm. So now I think, "Ok, she's asleep this late. She should sleep in." Wrongo. She was up at 5am.

Now fastforward to last night. Same thing happened. She fell asleep at 7:30, I laid her in her crib at 8pm and she woke up. She would not fall back asleep AGAIN and this time she was fussy. The only thing that would prevent her from crying was when the husband and I would hold her while standing. Since we got minimal sleep the night before, Nice Mommy left the house around 11:30pm and Mean Mommy replaced her. Mean Mommy decided to put Harper in her crib, close the door, set the timer for 15 minutes and see what happens. The first 5 minutes killed me. She was screaming. I'm just glad I couldn't see the tears. After 5 minutes, my sleep deprived body was ok with the screaming. I just kept telling myself it was for the greater good. When the 15 minute timer went off she was still screaming. "Oh great it didn't work," I thought. I went into her room, picked her up and she laid her head on my chest. I felt instant relief. I knew it was only a matter of a 5 minute rock and she would be out. And she was...until 7am! I may be inviting Mean Mom over more often in order to keep Nice Mommy sane.

Side note: of my co-workers introduced me to a blog that I have fallen in love with. Check it out. It's worth the laugh. People I Want to Punch in the Throat:: Over Achieving Elf on Shelf Mommies

Time for a little picture action!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

New Mom = Time Management Issues

Now that I am a mother, I am having a hard time with time management. This is the reason it has taken me so long to write a new post. Sorry, Katrina. :) I cannot find time to fit these three pre-baby activities I used to enjoy on most weekdays:
working out
cooking dinner

Now when I get home from work all I want to do is spend time with Harper and Dale. By the time I do get free time around 8:30pm when Harper falls asleep, I am just too exhausted to do anything or Harper has fallen asleep on me and I just enjoy cuddling so much I can't bare to put her in her crib until I go to bed. These pre-baby activities that I now refer to as nuisances just aren't as important to me as they used to be. This is NOT GOOD for my body. I've gotten to the point where I do need to make a change or else I'm going to gain back all the weight I lost three years ago. I think a lot of this new schedule I need to make will rely heavily on weekends.

Oh let's not forget the other random things that occasionally happened on weekdays that probably won't be making an appearance during the week for a long time:
Shopping at Target
Grocery shopping
Walking to the Cow for ice cream
Getting my hair done
Happy hour

Can we please just add three hours to every day so I can fit everything in? Wait that probably wouldn't help because I would just spend those three hours cuddling Harper more.

Any moms out there that can offer some advice? I'm open for any help you can provide.

In other news, Harper had her 4 month doctor's appointment yesterday. Already, I know. She weighs 14lbs and is 24 1/2 inches long. She got two shots in her leg. She is a trooper. She cried more about me laying her on the doctor's office table than when she got the shots. All I had to do was pick her up and the crying stopped. Man, does she like to be held. And by held I mean you have to be standing while holding her. None of this holding her while sitting business. She's too smart for that. Her pediatrician said we can start giving her cereal. Then in three weeks we can introduce veggies. She is getting too old!

Harper also got to meet three of her cousins and her Aunt and Uncle over Thanksgiving. She was loved on by everyone and was very entertained by the boys. Even her tough middle cousin was continuously asking if he could hold her. It was very heartwarming! It was really nice to spend the holiday with family. I hope they enjoyed my Thanksgiving cooking and decide to come again!

Picture Time!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

This One's About Poop

I think all new parents should have a checklist called "The Baby Poop List." This list contains all the different poop occurrences you should expect as a newbie parent of a pooping machine. We got to check two off the list this week. 

First one: baby diarrhea. You would think all baby poop is diarrhea while breastfeeding. Well that's not exactly the case. Baby's poop while breastfeeding is like a pudding consistency, (hungry anyone?) but it also has weird texture in it that looks like small seeds-something only baby books will dare tell you. This week Harper had pretty liquidy poop which of course caused me to mildly freak out. I called her pediatrician who told me to buy some over the counter probiatics to put in her bottle. We are only two days in but I think it's helping. 

Second one: diaper blowout up the back, almost to the baby's hair. I was taking a nap when Dale called me upstairs to help him with Harper's diaper. I was surprised to see a majority of the poop was not in her diaper, but all up her back and almost in her hair. It was pretty gross and we both knew we weren't going to get out of this one without getting it on ourselves. After a quick discussion on the best strategy to get her clothes off of her, we were able to remove her dress, give her back a wipe with baby wipes and plop her in her bathtub with only a small amount of poop getting on our hands. I'm pretty amazed the distance the poop covered. You would think with gravity, that type of blowout would be impossible. But let me tell you it can happen. I've seen it with my own eyes. Don't worry, I didn't take any pictures of this phenomenon. Now we have a clean baby and a reason to do a load of her laundry for the third time this week.

Here is the complete "The Baby Poop List":
  • Diaper blowout on the left side
  • Diaper blowout on the right side
  • Diaper blowout in the front
  • Diaper blowout in the back
  • Diaper blowout in the car seat
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Blood in poop
  • Pooping while getting diaper changed
  • Poop that hits the wall while changing baby
  • Poop while getting a bath

I'm pretty sure I've missed a few. Feel free to add some in the comments section. We haven't had the pleasure of experiencing all of these and knock on wood we won't!